




Curriculum & Academic Calendar

Rutgers Business School offers its globally ranked and highly regarded Executive MBA program annually in Singapore. There is a nine-day intensive week in April comprising of two modules. Students will then be completing the remaining modules sequentially without any need to be away from work. Each of these highly applied and constantly updated modules has a 9-day duration.

The program duration is 14.5 months. The maximum allowed period for completion is 4 years. After that students have to re-apply to be re-admitted to the Executive MBA program.

The class size is kept at an optimum number of students to ensure our students receive adequate support from our professors and for students to have the opportunity to actively participate in discussions throughout the program, while ensuring that there is a variety of experience in the room.

Curriculum & Assessment

The EMBA has a total of 18 modules are delivered with each module consisting of 38 hours of face to face classroom time. There are typically several modes of assessment like group-work, homework, graded discussions and exams.

Financial Accounting is designed to provide an understanding of the issues, practices and problems associated with accounting information disseminated to investors, creditors and other users of financial accounting information. The focus of this course will be on understanding generally accepted accounting principles as well as interpreting information contained in a company’s financial statements.

This course consists of lectures, problem solving, and a project and is designed to help students develop an understanding of the major elements of financial accounting and their importance in the business world.

Business Statistics introduces the use of statistical methods and probability theory in the analysis and modeling of business problems. It provides an overview of Business Statistics and its role in the decision-making processes of an organization. It introduces key concepts of characterizing and quantifying uncertainty, and the development, analysis, and interpretation of results of mathematical models which describe uncertain behavior. Topics covered include descriptive statistical techniques; probability; discrete and continuous random variables and probability distributions; the Central Limit Theorem; confidence intervals; and hypothesis testing.

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Financial Management is designed to provide managers with a foundation in the key concepts underlying the analysis and execution of financial decisions. The module blends theory with practice with special focus on what a manager needs to know when confronted with financial information on which decisions must be made. Topics include: time value of money, valuation principles, risk and return, capital budgeting, cost of capital, capital structure, working capital management, international finance and risk management. The pedagogical
approach makes minimal use of mathematics. However, extensive use is made of the financial calculator.

Weblife and Management Decision (Design and Development of Information Systems) covers topics such as The Real Time Economy; Predicting Technology; Smart Electronization; How technology is changing your brains; Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity; IT and the cloud; Cloud / Telecommunications; Continuous Monitoring; Digital Accounting and the Continuous Audit; E-commerce: ERP Systems, E-marketing; CRM, Supply chain management; Competing on analytics; NSA Snooping; Security, Cyberwar and Privacy.

Marketing Management is an introductory course that will enable the student to understand and appreciate the importance of marketing decisions within an organization. The module will present an overview of the major decisions in marketing – including product, price, promotion, distribution, consumer behavior, market segmentation, marketing research and international marketing – that will provide students with the necessary foundation for the more specialized courses in marketing. It also will focus on the interplay between these
marketing decisions and major environmental forces (e.g. competition, economy, technology and sociocultural, legal and ethical factors).

Supply Chain Management provides a broad overview of key supply chain strategies, issues and challenges. Topics covered include the management aspects of logistics networks, forecasting, inventory management, strategic alliances, supply chain integration and design, procurement and outsourcing, customer value, international issues, and a review of supply chain software strategies. Case studies, supplemented with current best practices and outside site visit are used to illustrate the issues discussed in lectures.

Financial Statement Analysis is a module that uses concepts from all aspects of business to understand and analyze the data being reported in financial statements. The general principles, techniques, and tools taught in this course are fundamentally designed to judge the performance of any business corporations (big or small) anywhere in the world –public or private, in the manufacturing, retailing, or services sectors.

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Aggregate Economics is a module in applied global macroeconomic policy analysis. Current global fiscal and monetary policies, budget and trade deficits, global capital flows, and their effects on inflation, output, employment, interest rates, stock prices, housing bubbles, commodities, and exchange rates, are analyzed. Current macroeconomic policies in the U.S., Europe and Asia are also analyzed and discussed.

Managerial Economics focuses on the neoclassical model that is the benchmark for economic thinking and cost-benefit analysis. This basic toolset can be used in a variety of settings and how it can be modified to cover an incredibly diverse range of problems. One of the key insights in economics is to carefully understand the incentives of both sides of a transaction. Analysis on the market from the perspective of a manager producing and then pricing a product and from the perspective of a consumer buying a product and on the strategic decisions faced by a firm competing with other firms.

International Business is designed for executives whose decisions will impact the strategy of their company in international operations. Topics have been selected for their likely interest to managers in Asia, such as how firms expand into foreign markets, offshoring and outsourcing, joint ventures and alliances with foreign firms, valuation of intellectual property and intangible assets, the impact of foreign exchange risk on company strategy, managing across cultures, and global integration. Many of the principles of global management are, of course, the same regardless of the location of corporate headquarters. The perspective is from the middle to senior management level.

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Global Leadership is designed to increase your awareness and understanding of what it means to be a leader, and especially what it means to be a global leader, deepen your understanding of selected challenges and opportunities that global leaders face, provide greater insights into your own leadership, along with strategies and actions to build on your strengths and areas for improvement, develop a greater appreciation of the issues and skills involved in applying leadership in various contexts, developing a global mindset, leading across cultures, managing individual relationships, leading groups and teams, managing talent, and leading change.

Organizational Behavior examines human behavior at the individual, group and organization level. Theories, models and research will be discussed and applied through case studies, individual and team assignments, experiential exercises and reflection on work experience. Each topic has been selected to help you better manage yourself, other people, groups and organizations.

Analytical Techniques is designed to familiarize you with fundamental quantitative tools for business decision making and planning, and to help you think quantitatively about decision and planning problems. Topics include constructing a mathematical model of the planning or decision problem, and analyzing this model with the aid of computer tools to obtain a suggested course of action.

Law and Ethics covers the theory and background in law and in business ethics. Students will discuss situations faced at work that have a legal and/or ethical dimension. The module will include practical applications with teams that will do presentations, and will write team analyses covering each team member’s situation.

International Financial Strategy module provides a holistic exploration of how C-level executives manage the entire balance sheet, rather than just assets, in order to drive revenues by creating and sustaining comparative advantages in their product market. The class will have a strong entrepreneurial focus and should be particularly beneficial for those students that, one day, aspire to either run a company or own their own
business. It is very much a hands-on, participative course, and taught based upon Harvard cases, academic rigor, and extensive experience of the faculty member.

  • Business Strategy

Business Strategy is designed to trains entrepreneurs, managers and business leaders to look outward to the environment and inward to the firm’s resources and capabilities and operating policies. As such, we describe a firm’s strategy as the formulation of “competitive strategy”, and “corporate strategy”. Competitive strategy involves identifying structurally attractive industries and developing the most attractive position within that industry, where attractiveness is driven by absolute conditions combined with the resources and capabilities the firm brings to that position. Businesses create value by operating in positions within industries that, by virtue of the characteristics of industry, the position and the firm, are defensible from the encroachment of competitors and deterioration of the environment as a whole. Corporate strategy focuses on the management and understanding of multi-product, multi-location and multi-business firms.

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  • Managing Strategic Transformation
  • Innovative Leadership, Personal Power, And Ultra-High Impact Business Presentation Skills
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Business in Emerging Markets
  • Advanced Financial Management
  • Advanced Marketing Strategy
  • Advertising and Promotion
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Global Marketing Strategy
  • Investment Analysis and Management
  • Managing Technological Breakthrough
  • Marketing in A World of Uncertainty
  • Operations Management

*Advanced modules offered will vary each year. The above are some electives that have been offered to our students.

Teaching methodology includes lectures, case discussions, presentations, role plays, industry guest speakers and site visits. Each module is assessed by coursework and/or exam. For a copy of the syllabus, please contact us.

Come to an Open House!

Come and sit in on an EMBA class to hear latest thinking on current management topics, and speak with our students and professors.

Site Visits


Graduates of the Executive MBA program in Singapore earn a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree conferred by Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (USA). The MBA Certificate and Transcript are conferred by the University. Graduates from Singapore are invited to attend the annual convocation in New Jersey, USA each year.

At the end of the EMBA program, students will have the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremony organized by the University in New Jersey. The Singapore Executive MBA Graduands are invited to attend the ceremony with the graduands from Rutgers Business School.

The University celebrates this special occasion with you, your family and friends, to mark the achievement of a major milestone in your life and congratulates each one of you as we celebrate your achievements at your Commencement ceremony.

Here is a clip of the Commencement Ceremony in New Jersey attended by the Singapore EMBAs.

Rutgers Business School Asia Pacific, a wholly owned subsidiary of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Private Education Reg. /UEN#: 201019419W.
Registration Period:
22 May 2024 to 21 May 2026

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