About the topic:
The Ukrainian war not only devastating lives and roiling markets but also causing disruptions that seem likely to shape the world economy and the future of the business. McKinsey reports 12 short- and mid-term disruptions that had the most potential to reshape industries and economies. We will discuss and analyze all 12 disruptions and their possible impact on each country and industry. We will further discuss how to adapt to possible market shifts caused by 12 disruptions.
About Professor Zeki Pagda
Zeki teaches graduate and undergraduate level courses by combining his 25 years of practical business experience with research and theory, including Management, Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and International Business.
Zeki has work experience in multinational corporate organizations worldwide, including the USA, Germany, China, Egypt, and Turkey. The organizations Zeki worked for include Unilever, Kimberly & Clark, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Henkel, Carl Kuhne, and Nestle. Zeki worked in several departments such as Sales & Marketing, Supply Chain and was an Executive Officer for the last six years of his corporate career. Zeki has also involved in several enterprise-level information technology implementations during his tenure in corporations.
Furthermore, Zeki is a co-founder of a consulting company. His consulting focus is Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning methodologies that, he thinks, will play a significant role in any decision-making process in the future.
More about Professor Pagda