Rutgers Open House – April 2017
April 11, 2017, 7:00 p.m.
Meet Professor Patorniti and our students at our open house. Find out if a Rutgers EMBA is right for you!
Law & Ethics
By Professor Wayne Eastman – Associate Professor
About the Professor:
Professor Eastman has published articles in business ethics, management, and law journals. His academic research program focuses on business ethics, with emphases on how moral emotions help people solve social games, solution concepts for two-person games, ideology, and value diversity. Currently, he is working with others to develop a new subfield, critical business ethics, which emphasizes the need for a self-critical, reflexive approach to research and practice in areas such as human trafficking, the coffee supply chain, financialization, and the link between background and ideology. In his teaching, Professor Eastman focuses on both business law, in which he emphasizes skills in making effective arguments, and business ethics, in which he also emphasizes skills in harmonizing as a leader with different people and groups.
Professor Eastman has an active applied research program that aligns with his administrative activities as vice chair of the SCMMS Department and with his civic commitments as a member of the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education, past president of a church in Orange, and founder of a non-profit, GlobalSOMA, that celebrates South Orange and Maplewood as international communities. His public scholarship has included discussions of test scores, community integration, and how the K-12 and college-university sectors can learn from one another in regard to faculty governance and collaborating on business education. He has testified multiple times in Trenton in favor of tenure reform.
December 13, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Law and Ethics covers the theory and background in law and in business ethics. Rutgers Business School Asia Pacific invites you to attend the Law & Ethics Masterclass…