The Macroeconomic Outlook for Singapore
  • Start07:00 PM - Aug 11 2023
  • 146 Robinson Road, #07-01, Singapore 068909
  • 6532 0083

About the topic:

When global economies soft-land to calm inflation, Singapore, the quintessential export-driven economy, gets hurt. In fact, MAS had to take its foot off the brake at its last meeting in April 2023.

So now that the global fight against inflation enters its waning phases, what is the macroeconomic outlook for Singapore in a post-inflation, post-Russian invasion, world?

This Powerhouse Thought Leadership Series will be conducted in person at our classroom on 146 Robinson Road, #07-01, Singapore 068909.

Please attend to find out more. Get ready your colored pens/pencils and notebooks. This will be another intense and highly relevant session conducted by Dr. Langdana.

Professor Farrokh Langdana

Director of Executive MBA Program

Dr. Langdana’s areas of specialization include monetary and fiscal theory and international trade and global macroeconomic policy. His research deals with macroeconomic experimentation and the role of stabilization policy in an expectations-driven economy. He has published several articles as well as five books in this area. His new book, co-authored with Peter Murphy and published by Springer Press, is titled “International Trade and Global Macropolicy.”

Most recently, Prof. Langdana’s Macropolicy course and Prof. Ignacio (Nacho) Vijil-Cabrera’s course in Pricing Strategy (Managerial Econ) were both ranked #5 and #2 by Financial Times in Economics in EMBA programs worldwide, in 2017 and 2018.

More about Professor Langdana…

Follow him on twitter:
Fireside chats with Langdana:



August 11, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
So now that the global fight against inflation enters its waning phases, what is the macroeconomic outlook for Singapore in a post-inflation, post-Russian invasion, world?


Registration is free. No. of seats is limited. Reservation on a first-come-first-served basis.
Reserve your seat now!

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"Rutgers EMBA was the right course for me as I was looking for a course where I could learn from people with diverse backgrounds. The course was a great mix of structured learning as well as real-life cases. The final capstone week was where I could put all the learning together to apply to Business Strategy as well as Corporate Strategy. I believe the course helped me to get a 360 perspective and an executive mindset that are tremendously critical for me to advance in my career."
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Roche Diagnostics Singapore
Rutgers Executive MBA Program,
Class of 2016

Rutgers Business School Asia Pacific, a wholly owned subsidiary of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Private Education Reg. /UEN#: 201019419W.
Registration Period:
22 May 2024 to 21 May 2026

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